Meet Our Team

Decades of experience dedicated to serving you.

National Conductor Team

Sarah O'Neil
Operations Manager

Sarah has been with NC since 2011. She has a background in providing project support on High Voltage Substations, Isolated Phase Bus Duct and General Construction projects.
Hali Carlson
Director of Business Development

Hali’s career with NC spans nearly two decades. She is responsible for the identification of new business and tracking of projects through development to execution.
Bob Changstrom
Substation Division Manager

Bob has been with NC since 2002, he has expertise up to 500kV by either project management, construction, packager, or material supplier since 1979.
Tom Slukich
Power Plant Division Manager

Tom has been with NC since 1989, he started his career as a lineman and soon became a certified TIG welder. Tom has completed over 1,000 Isolated Phase Bus Duct projects from performing the physical installation to examination and project management
Tony Fargo
Senior Project Manager

Tony has been with NC since 2012, he is a master electrician and holds licenses in over 20 states. He started as an electrical estimator in commercial electrical and progressed to Senior Project Management of 34.5-500kV substation projects.
Ken Beckett
Project Manager

Ken joined the NC team in 2024. Industry professional with 40+ years in all aspects of electrical construction and 25+ years of project leadership and operational oversight.
Annette Rubink
Project Coordinator

Annette has been with NC since 2011, she has experience in providing project support on Isolated Phase Bus Duct, Maintenance and Inspection projects as well as Substation projects.
Amber Ochsner
Project Coordinator

Amber has been with NC since 2023, she has a background in providing project support and project coordination and office management.
Elly Christenson
Administrative Assistant/Material Purchaser

Elly has been with NC since 2022. Elly has 4 years’ experience in administrative assisting and also does material managing for the company.
Joe Oman
Substation Construction Manager

Joe has been with NC since 2006, he has advanced in his career from Groundman to our lead Construction manager for our Substation division. Joe has expertise in leadership, training, coordination, and safety of substation construction
Andy O'Day
Power Plant Construction Manager

Andy has been with NC since 2004, he started his career with NCC after earning his welding degree from Central Lakes College he has since climbed the ladder to a Construction Manager position in the Power Plant Division
Josh Dixon

Josh has been with NC since 2022, he has a background in Electrical Meter Programming, Advanced Metering Infrastructure Deployment and has been in the Electrical Field since 2005 starting with his Family’s Automotive Electrical Business.
Chuck Anderson

Chuck has been with NC since 2023 and has over 30 years of experience in the commercial construction industry prior to coming to NC.
Bryan Coe
Power Plant Estimator/Weld Instructor

Bryan has been with NC since 2006, after earning his welding degree from Central Lakes College he worked in the field as an aluminum welder and is now our Welding Instructor and Estimator for the Power Plant Division.

Team Building

Spending time together outside of work helps to bring our team closer together!
Click image to view album.

What We Do

National Conductor is one of the top high-voltage construction companies in the industry. With a team of professional employees whose combined knowledge exceeds 400 years of experience, National Conductor has completed more than 1,000 high-voltage projects across the nation.

Our projects include:

  • Substations

  • Switchyards

  • Wind farm collector systems

  • Bus and wire systems

  • Static VAR systems

  • Isolated phase bus duct (IPB) installation 

  • IPB maintenance and inspection

Join The National Conductor Team

We build Substations, Switchyards, Wind Farm Collector systems and install and maintain Isolated Phase Bus Duct nationwide. We are a signatory IBEW contractor whose home union is Local Union 160, Minneapolis, MN.